Use of Matrix Keypads In Different Embedded Systems Meet The Desired Needs Within realistic Constraints With Respect To Societal, Environmental And Sustainable Development



  1. Vending Machines 
  2.  Microwave Oven 
  3.  Security Keypads 
  4. Theme Park Rides control
  5. Printer 
  6. Elevators 

Mentioned above are the few devices which involves the use of the matrix keypad or simple keypad. Vending machines uses the keypad to instruct specific tray in the vending machine. Microwave oven uses keypad to cook pizza, spagati, soup or heat any dish accordingly Security locks based on numeric can also use keypad. But such a keypad security lock is not much efficient In theme parks various rides are controlled through the control room and the keypad can use turn on off and control the rides Printer also use the keypad to print papers and to control the printer as well Elevator is designed to take people to the various floors and in any elevator a numeric keypad is used to do this job.

 Environmental Effect

Embedded system are environment friendly circuits. These systems does not produce any kind of the environmental pollution and also cheap in price. 

Societal Effects: Only a handful companies in the world make computer architecture whereas there are numerous companies that make various microcontrollers and the embedded systems. This proves the utility and demand of the embedded systems in 21stcentury. These systems are easy to build and program and are cheap in price. Also, these system serves various benefits. These qualities makes the embedded system society friendly

Sustainable Development: 

These embedded systems and microcontrollers are sustainable due to various reasons like cheap price, high demand, less manufacturing cost, environmental and societal friendly and etc
