How to successfully take online classes in Pakistan
Asalam O Alaikum World Situation : The year 2020 brought some extraordinary experiences for the entire world. Due to the Pandemic the world education system is heavily upset. Almost all of the universities around the world took online classes and suspended the on campus classes. Online Education in Western World: Online education and learning is a new experience of learning. The experience of online education in countries like United States, United Kingdom, Canada and some European countries is not new because these develop countries are already taking these online classes for a past decade by the name of MOOCS (Massive Open Online Classes) or by the name of Continuing Education. Online Education in Pakistan Due to the Corona Virus the Education System of the entire country was poorly affected. Anyhow government tried their best to provide the student the study stuff. HEC (Higher Education Comission ) asked the universities to conduct online classes on Zoom Meetings, Micros...