
Showing posts from August, 2021

Engineering with Ibraheem (A podcast series)

Engineering with Ibraheem Hi, and welcome to Engineering with Ibraheem, a podcast series brought to you by Sheikh Muhammad Ibraheem (S.M.Ibraheem, Engr & author). The podcast comes in a wide variety of seasons and episodes on the following topics 1. Mechanical Engineering 2. ELectrical Engineering 3. Civil Engineering 4. Architectural Engineering 5. Computer / Electronics Engineering 6. Engineering Linguistics 7. Career Counselling 8. Project and Time management. The podcast provides its listeners with modern technology, analytical thinking, history and the future of engineering. So whether you are a student, an engineering beginner, engineer or a scientist, stay tuned with Engineering with Ibraheem for the latest, content on engineering & technology. Please subscribe and follow the podcast on 1. Google Podcast 2. Apple Podcast 3. Spotify 4. RSS 5. Amazon Music 6. Stitcher 7. YouTube 8. Red Circle In order to get the latest episodes transcripts to subscribe & follow Educati...