Why C++ is so much popular


C++ is a high level programming language use to create high performance application. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1998  as an extension of C language. 


Within few year C++ gain its popularity due its amazing characteristics
  1. It is an Object Oriented Programming Language.
  2. Gives programmer a high level of control on system, memory and resources.
  3. It has huge library functions
  4. It is a machine independent language.
  5. It is used for the development of the softwares.
  6. It is used in games development
  7. It is used to make operating systems.

Beginners Programming Language:

As I am also a programming student. One day I was thinking that why I am studying this C++ programming language and not studying the Python or Java. My Professor replied that this C++ is one of the basics of all high level language. He satisfied me by answering me that the famous Microsoft Windows is written in C++.
Another reason why it is a taught to the beginners because it is entirely user defined. In easy words a C++ programmer can easily learn to code in Python or in Java but it is difficult for Python or Java programmer to code in C++.

Software Written in C++:

As an early high level language many Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and Operating System (OS) are written in it.
  • Adobe Systems:
           Many of the adobe software like photoshop, flash player and etc are written in C/C++.
  • Google Applications:
           Some applications of the Google are written in C++ including Chromium browser, Google File               System and some parts of android OS are also written in C++.
  • Windows Media Player:
           Windows Media Player which allows a computer user to manage the audio and video content is                written in C++
  • Microsoft Applicatons:
           One of the top operating systems on the planet, Windows 98, 2000,XP, 7, 10 are written in C++.            Also Microsoft Office, Visual Studio and Internet Explorer are written in C++.
  • Apple Applications:
           Nowadays Apple INC has is one of the leading technology companies on the planet. Some parts            of the Apple OS X is written in C and C++



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